Ignite Imagination on the Go

How your Glüxkind stroller helps you to prevent the screen zombie trap

Are you concerned about screen time? Does it sometimes feel like handing your little one a phone is the only solution when you're out running errands and their patience runs thin? Are you searching for ways to entertain and distract them without relying on a screen—something that's always at your fingertips and impossible to leave behind?

We felt the same way!

That’s why Glüxkind’s smart strollers come with a built-in entertainment pack that evolves as your child grows. Let’s dive a little deeper into why we want to limit screen time and how built-in audio entertainment in our strollers can ignite creativity during your errands in the neighbourhood and improve nap time on the go.

Why is screen time bad?

Screen time—whether it's a TV, tablet, phone, or video game—can turn kids (and adults) into screen zombies, negatively impacting their eyes, brain, body, and relationships. Even tech leaders like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates famously limited screen time for their children, recognizing the risks. 

The Canadian Paediatric Society advises no more than one hour of screen time per day for kids aged 2-5, and none for those under 2. Excessive screen use has been linked to speech delays, poor sleep, lack of physical activity, anxiety, reduced creativity, increased aggressions, and lower social skills, turning kids into passive consumers rather than imaginative creators— all that during a time of their life where creativity is really at its peak.

Screen-Free Entertainment Matters More Than Ever

What if your stroller could help you break that cycle and establish audio as a key entertainment medium? Glüxkind’s strollers have built-in speakers that play stories, music, or even calming white noise. No extra device needed as you leave the house. Imagine the simplicity of keeping your child engaged without defaulting to screens, fostering their imagination and curiosity with every stroll through the park or around the neighbourhood. 

In the early days, white noise or lullabies help settle your little one and extend their naps in noisy environments. With audio entertainment onboard, your child can immerse themselves in enriching content without the need for screens. 

Whether it's an exciting audio adventure story, their favourite tunes, imagination meditation or calming white noise, stroller walks can become opportunities for imaginative play, learning, and quiet reflection—all while exploring the world around them.

Naptime on the Go: A Seamless Transition

Any parent knows the challenges of nap time while on the move. Our strollers with built-in audio can offer familiar cues, like specific songs or stories, to create a smooth transition to sleep, just as you would at home. This means fewer battles and more peaceful outings, as your little one settles down to the same comforting sounds they associate with rest, that help them drift off into dreamland, no matter where you are.

Escape the Screen Trap—Embrace the Power of Audio

Even educational content isn’t a magical cure. Studies show that screens aren’t effective learning tools for babies and toddlers. Young children learn best through face-to-face interactions and benefit most when parents co-view and engage with them.

The danger is that too much screen time can make kids reliant on entertainment, turning them into passive consumers rather than powerful imaginative creators. As a parent, be a role model! Exercise daily, eat well, limit mindless scrolling, and showcase good habits. Play games with your kids in the real world, encourage daydreaming, read books, and explore creative alternatives like the Majik Kids App.

Tell me more!

Majik Kids is dedicated to helping you raise empowered creators.

The Majik Kids App is packed full of magical audio stories, music, meditations and learning activities to inspire and ignite imagination for young minds. They offer audio content that supports critical thinking and positive life values, while developing skills for emotional regulation. 

Majik Kids is passionate about fostering imagination through screen-free entertainment that’s both educational and fun for the whole family, while honouring their community of talented artists, educators, and creators through their Fair Pay Publishing model!

Download the Majik Kids App (start a free trial)and watch your little ones transform from screen zombies to empowered, curious and confident creators!

Bradley T. Morris (MAJIK KIDS: Author, Founder, Father):

Bradley T. Morris and his 8-year-old son, Sauryn, are the dynamic duo behind Majik Kids, a revolutionary Fair Pay Publishing and kids media company. Together, they've co-written 19 audio stories, 11 illustrated books, and 31 comedy commercials, with their first graphic novel in the works. Majik Kids gives artists 50% of the revenue they generate, offering mind-expanding audio stories, heart-dancing music, immersive meditations, beautifully illustrated books, and off-the-charts fun learning activities. They even built the most magical audio-only app for all your screen-free entertainment needs (which was Sauryn's idea).


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