Should I buy a bassinet stroller?

First off, what is a bassinet?

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Starting with the basics, a bassinet is a small crib for those first few months of a baby’s life. It often refers to the mini cribs parents use at home to provide a safe and cozy sleep environment for their infants. As our lives are busy, there is also a “to-go” version of a bassinet. It is the attachment that many, especially premium stroller brands now offer to provide safe sleep on the go. Parents get peace of mind as they go for a stroll in the park, relax at a café or visit grandma while their new baby has the best place to rest and nap.  

Bassinets allow your baby to lie flat with room to move vs being propped up on an incline, tucked in like it is typical for when they are in a car seat. Whether a bassinet is necessary in addition to a car seat is a question expecting parents often ask themselves when it comes to transporting their little ones during the first few months. We have a separate blog post on the use of car seats outside of the car but let’s focus on the bassinet for now.

Why lying flat is the most comfortable and safest position for your newborn? 

Inclined positions lead to significantly decreased oxygen saturation and decreased heart rates
— Researchers at Bristol University

Experts have long recommended that laying a newborn on a flat, firm surface is the best ergonomic position to sleep in. It’s crucial for your baby’s growth and brain development that they can move and stretch their growing arms and legs. 

Even more importantly, in a lie-flat position, babies can get all the oxygen they need, and their head, spine and hips will be in the best position for a healthy development.

Researchers at the Bristol University found that putting a baby in a 40-degree inclined position (typical of a car seat) “leads to significantly increased heart and respiratory rates, and decreased oxygen saturation”. In a lie-flat position, no similar negative effects were noticeable.

How does the lie-flat position help my baby’s spinal and hip development?

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A lie-flat position helps the spine develop in the correct way, says Hannah Spink, Specialist Pediatric Physiotherapist.

“For a baby’s spine to develop naturally in the way it’s supposed to, [parents] should aim for a lie-flat position. In [this] position, the hips will naturally turn into external rotation and abduction, which is the point where the hips are contained within the socket. If you force a baby to sit up [in a stroller or car seat], then you could potentially compromise that position.” says Hannah Spink.

A newborn’s spine is in C shape as they have been curled up in the womb up until this point. As they develop, the curves of their spine slowly grow from this C shape into an S shape. Now, when your baby is in a car seat for extended periods of time, they are restricted to the C curve position due to the shape of the seats. Spending time on a flat surface is the best way to counterbalance time spent in a car seat and support a healthy spinal development.

Can a baby sleep in a stroller bassinet?

Yes, absolutely! As always, newborns should be monitored and the advice of not using any loose blankets, pillows or stuffed animals while sleeping applies to bassinets just as it does for cribs or any other sleep setting. Babies should never be in a position where they can pull any of those soft materials over their face or cover their mouth. 

Some bassinets are also rated safe for overnight sleep, making them an excellent addition to your newborn essentials and could save you yet another costly purchase. They definitely come in handy for naps at grandma’s place, a snooze while you enjoy some me time at a dinner party or as a mobile crib during a weekend getaway.

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Should I buy a bassinet stroller?

Back to the initial question, YES you should buy a bassinet stroller. More and more brands now offer this option at different price points providing more families with safe sleep options on the go (and at home). Bassinets support your baby’s spinal, hip and brain development AND help them in getting enough oxygen while they rest and nap. 

If those aren’t pretty convincing reasons we don’t know what would be…

Enjoy your bassinet and the peace of mind it gives you during those first months of your new life as a parent :)


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