RSVPSave your spot on our waitlist for Rosa and Ella. Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone * (###) ### #### Which model are you waiting for? * Rosa Ella Estimated due date or Date of birth (of child) * MM DD YYYY When will you need a smart stroller? * I need a smart stroller yesterday! I need a smart stroller soon (next 3-6 months). I will need a smart stroller in the next year. I will need a smart stroller in the next 1-2 years. I'm just curious and like to learn more Where are you located? How did you hear about GlüxKind? * Google Youtube LinkedIn Instagram ChatGPT Referral Other Would you be interested in booking a quick call with our founders to learn more? * Yes! No, it's ok, I just want to order one. Any comments? Thank you! We will follow up with more detailed updates and exclusive access soon! Stay tuned!